Monday, September 30, 2019

Dreamliner: Time, Budget and Project Performance Analysis Essay

1 Introduction. 1.1 In developing the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Boeing executive management’s initial decisions and project management strategies did not control the four major measurements of project success: time, budget, performance and client acceptance (Pinto, 2013, pp. 35,36). This report analyses the methodology and project management decisions that led to a project crisis and risk to Boeing’s reputation. 2 Boeing history. 2.1 Boeing Aircraft Corporation, with a heritage of aircraft design, manufacture and assembly, dates back to July 1916 (Boeing, 2004). Recent aircraft including 737, 747, 767, and 777 are all designed, assembled and supported by Boeing (Boeing, 2014). 2.2 Boeing commercial aircraft division is a successful aircraft manufacturing company with a proud history of in-house design and manufacture (Boeing, 2014). 3 New aircraft requirement. 3.1 Competition from Airbus, with its increase in market share through the 1990’s to market share leader in 2003 (Hoiness, 2006), led Boeing to decide that a mid-sized, long range aircraft was required for current and emerging markets. Boeing committed to a new aircraft line, the 787 ‘Dreamliner’ (Hoiness, 2006). A significant technology advance to carbon fibre composite fuselage and wing construction with advanced engine technology would aim to reduce fuel burn by 20%, and would provide a better operational experience for airlines and their customers (Boeing Aircraft Corporation, 2014). 4 Outsourcing and Cost overruns. 4.1 Boeing outsourced approximately 70% of development and production to  other companies in an attempt to reduce development time and costs (Denning, 2013). 4.2 Early project management decisions to move away from the Boeing model of in-house design and manufacture (Boeing, 2014), to a model of out-sourcing large subassemblies and component sections to around fifty Tier 1 partners (Boeing Company, 2013), would prove disastrous in estimating development costs (Ostrower & Lublin, 2013). Boeing’s reliance on Tier 1 companies to complete assembly integration, control Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers and solve problems in design aspects, led to cost and schedule overruns (Denning, 2013). 4.3 Initial budget estimates from Boeing set the 787 costs at about $5 billion (USD). Ostrower stated â€Å"Barclays Capital conservatively estimates the program ended up costing around $14 billion (USD), not including the penalties Boeing has had to pay customers for late deliveries† (Ostrower & Lublin, 2013) and aircraft cancellations (Bloomburg News, 2012). 4.4 The financial evidence suggests that Boeing and the 787 project management team did not fully understand the complexities of out-sourcing (Goatham, 2014). In a January 2011 speech at Seattle University, Albaugh is quoted as having said †We spent a lot more money in trying to recover than we ever would have spent if we’d tried to keep the key technologies closer to home† (Calleam Consulting Ltd, 2013). 5 Project Leadership 5.1 The Boeing Leadership project team did not understand the complexity of the Tier structure (Tang & Zimmerman, 2009). In adopting the Tier assembly approach the leadership team should have used logistics and supply chain management specialists (Denning, 2013). 5.2 Implementation of management strategies to cope with component suppliers is paramount. In a Boeing publication Hart-Smith recognised the risks in out-sourcing and assembly without sufficient design control. He stated that â€Å"in order to minimize potential problems, it is necessary for the Prime contractor to provide on-site, quality management, supplier-management, and sometimes technical support† (Hart-Smith, 2001). 5.3 The project leadership team failed to ensure each supplier received adequate design information to implement its part of the project (Tang & Zimmerman, 2009). This demonstrated they did not provide effective leadership nor sufficient communication (Pinto, 2013, p. 133). 6 Design control 6.1 Without fully understanding the complexities or difficulties in introducing a new design, and without a developed set of requirements and detailed design control, project difficulties and delays are inevitable (Denning, 2013). Other companies, for example the Toyota Motor Company, use out-sourcing successfully to trusted companies with a high degree of product design control as a method to reduce costs in production (Denning, 2013). 6.2 The Boeing model adopted was to spread the design and development to suppliers on a global scale with costs met by suppliers (Ostrower & Lublin, 2013). A strategy such as this should have been tightly controlled from the outset. Without this control, difficulties in assembly and ill-fitting parts requiring redesign added to the delays experienced by the project (Denning, 2013), with hundreds of Boeing engineers sent to various companies to solve technical problems (Tang & Zimmerman, 2009). 7 Communication and Cultural Risk. 7.1 Boeing management opted to control Tier 1 and Tier 2 integrators and their suppliers using a computer web based system, ‘Exostar’ (Denning, 2013). This system intended to provide supply chain and logistics visibility and ‘real time’ monitoring to control process, development, time and cost. Due to cultural differences and trust issues with this system, accurate and timely information was not entered by integrators and suppliers (Denning, 2013). 7.2 A Failure to understand the cultural differences with international companies and suppliers, by both integrators and Boeing management, provides evidence that the project did not adequately consider organizational culture or fully understand its effects (Pinto, 2013, p. 79). 7.3 If Boeing had relied on their own ‘tribal’ knowledge culture, rather than outsourcing to other organizations, the cultural and communication risks would have been reduced (Reuters, 2011). 8 Stakeholder management. 8.1 Knowledge of stakeholder capability, strengths, and behaviours should be part of successful project management (Pinto, 2013, p. 58). Boeing’s leadership failed to appreciate that Tier 1 integrators did not have the  capability to control the supplier nor the supply chain (Tang & Zimmerman, 2009). 9 Conclusion. 9.1 Boeing’s decision to outsource the design and manufacture of the Dreamliner, along with the introduction of new technology, led to lengthy project delays and additional expenses (Ostrower & Lublin, 2013). Poor communication from the Boeing leadership team, along with cultural misunderstandings, led some key suppliers to mistrust the control systems. Cost overruns, schedule delays and supply chain issues all led to this project failing to meet established goals within estimated parameters of cost, schedule, and quality (Pinto, 2013). 9.2 Modified management strategies were implemented to correct design flaws, provide technical and quality systems support at vast cost (Denning, 2013). These actions have contributed to a project turnaround with increased orders (Boeing, 2014). Bibliography Bloomburg News. (2012, 08 23). Daily Herald Bussiness. Retrieved 03 16, 2014, from Boeing. (2004). The Boeing Log Book 1881-1919. Retrieved 03 18, 2014, from History: Boeing. (2014). Boeing Commercial Planes. Retrieved March 8, 2014, from Boeing Aircraft Corporation. (2014). Boeing 787 Dreamliner Provides New Sollutions for Airlines, Passangers. Retrieved 03 15, 2014, from Boeing: Boeing Company. (2013). 787 Who’s Building the 787 Dreamliner. Retrieved 03 16, 2014, from New Airplane: Calleam Consulting Ltd. (2013, 02 3). Boeing Commercial Aeroplanes. Retrieved 03 22, 2014, from Why Projects Fail: Denning, S. (2013). What Went Wrong At Boeing? R etrieved March 8, 2014, from Emerald insight: Goatham, R. (2014). Why Projects Fail – Boeing Commercial

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pros and Cons of FDRs Brainchild: The New Deal

The New Deal & FDR The implementation of the New Deal was a necessary, yet highly criticized, and controversial time in our nation's history. Its creation, by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, helped to resurrect a crumbling economy and put Americans back to work. However, like most things in life, there are always two sides to every story. This paper will explore both the pros and cons of FDR's, brainchild, the New Deal. In addition, it will argue that regardless of a positive or negative public opinion, there is no negating the fact that the New Deal was a pivotal movement and progressive step forward in our nation's history.The presidential election of 1932 favored Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt over current president, Herbert Hoover, by a staggering 7 million popular votes. It seemed that the citizens of the great United States of America had spoken; they were ready for change. FDR believed that the solution to the economic crisis could be achievable, but only by having a more involved government. He held firm that giving the federal government more control in the nation's economy could begin to undo the damage caused by the Great Depression.Roosevelt promised a New Deal to the American public; a conglomerate of government programs aimed at revitalizing the economy by restoring our banking system and creating new jobs. Almost immediately following his inauguration, FDR closed down all the banks in the country for four days and called an emergency hearing with Congress. The Emergency Banking Act was created, which â€Å"gave the government the opportunity to inspect the health of all banks† (Franklin D. Roosevelt – American Heritage Center, Inc. ).The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, was also created to insure consumer and business deposits up to $5,000 (a far cry from today's $250,000). FDR, urged Americans to trust in banks again. Ultimately, he wanted to see people embrace the concept of consumer capitalism. In short, h e called for every citizen to march to their local bank, and show good faith by depositing all their life savings. Once the banks had the support of the public, they could in turn, begin making loans again. These loans funded the creation of new businesses and the restoration of the old ones.Businesses were then able to hire or re-hire workers, and in many cases, increase wages as well. With higher wages comes greater spending power. The goal was to see the population of the U. S. become a nation of consumers once again. By pouring their money and capital back into the economy, U. S. citizens could play a role in getting American back on her feet. A provision of the New Deal, called the Civil Works Administration, or CWA, was created to â€Å"give the unemployed jobs building or repairing roads, parks and airports and providing psychological and physical boosts to its 4 million workers† (Franklin D.Roosevelt -American Heritage Center, Inc. ). A similar program, called the Civ ilian Conservation Corps, or CCC, was an environmental program that helped 2. 5 million unmarried men return to work maintaining beaches and forests and also gave jobs to 8500 women. Other successful programs that are relevant to today's modern society are programs such as Social Security, the National Labor Relations Act, or Wagner Act; which protects workers' rights to assemble, or unionize.In addition, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 was passed, which abolished child labor and set the minimum wage. While the New Deal had a great many triumphs, some may argue that though the tragedies were few, they had a far more devastating impact on the economy. Roosevelt implemented such controversial programs as the National Industrial Recovery Act, or NIRA, which was created to bolster the decreasing price of industrial goods. Unfortunately, there were some unforeseen and catastrophic consequences. When higher wages went into effect, prices rose too. Thus, consumers stopped buying. The continuous cycle of overproduction and underconsumption put businesses back into a slump† the law was later ruled unconstitutional (Norton et al, 698). Another controversial provision of the New Deal was the Agriculture Adjustment Administration, or AAA, which attempted to raise farm prices. It used special tax funds to pay farmers to refrain from raising certain crops or breed certain types of animals.They figured the lower production would help to increase prices of other agricultural products. All it did was anger the general populous, who thought this was atrocious. People were starving and homeless and the federal government was essentially wasting food! This program was ruled unconstitutional, shortly after it was proved a failure. Though Roosevelt had many ups and downs during his 12+ years as President, he successfully began the process of getting the nation back on its feet.He created the New Deal, though it was not the end all be all of the economic crisis, it contri buted to the demise of the Great Depression in a broader sense. It restored the public faith in banks and got many, many Americans back to work. Works Cited Norton, M. , Katzman, D. , Blight, D. , Chudacoff, H. , Logevall, F. , Bailey, B. , Paterson, T. , Tuttle Jr. , W. A People and a Nation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 2007. Print. Franklin D. Roosevelt – American Heritage Center, Inc. http://www. fdrheritage. org/new_deal. html 26, October 2012. Web.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A critical evaluation of normative power EU Essay

A critical evaluation of normative power EU - Essay Example It is true that Francois Duchene (1972) developed theory, which terms the Europe as a civilian power. Indeed, Duchene deliberated that Europe’s most significant specialty was its promise to favour political and economic means in the place of military initiatives. (Duchene, 1972). Footing upon the Duchene’s theory, Manners presented the notion of Normative Power of Europe (NPE) as a structure of evaluation of the role of Europe in international order (Kugel, 2012). Along with the recognition of the EU as a civilian power, relying primarily on economic rather than military means, it is widely discussed as normative power which recognizes such norms and values as human rights, democracy, sustainable development (Gerrits, 2009). There is one important concept in EU’s normative power policy which is â€Å"milieu goals†. Realization of â€Å"milieu goals† of the EU which is the policy of expansion, neighborhood and numerous programs of partnership. At the same time, â€Å"milieu goals† are embodied at the global level within the international organizations, through the global ecological policy and various ethical initiatives (Tocci, 2008). It is demonstrated in the past and present studies about existence of special European foreign policy identity and special role of EU in the international relations. Nevertheless, one should admit that the EU’s normative power faces large number critics from many experts and researchers for inability to impact on global politics worldwide. On the other hand, one cannot deny that the EU seeks to apply normative policy towards not only Eastern European countries, but also towards North Africa and the Middle East states (Zielonka, 2013). This research essay will attempt to detail the evolution of the normative power of the EU, how it is being administered, the darker side of it and further

Friday, September 27, 2019

HOW DO YOU RECRUIT THE RIGHT PEOPLE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HOW DO YOU RECRUIT THE RIGHT PEOPLE - Assignment Example The best method is perceived to focus upon the star performer in the particular job in the company to be able to use them as a model which will make easy to recruit the right person for the right job. Therefore, often this technique is used by making the top performer as a model in getting the right candidate. For making the right job description the top performers are observed along the work they carry out. The performers have different attributes and it is easy to locate the attributes that is required for the job and it helps in finding the right candidate. It is advisable to use this technique instead of wish list technique. This technique might consume more time but it will find the right person for the job (Johnson, n.d.). If an individual does not know who the top performers of a company are, they should plan for networking through speaking with local chambers of commerce and business professionals who will help in creating the right model for delivering a good job description and find the right person for the right position (Johnson, n.d.). The article is good enough in generating an enhanced knowledge in the terms of recruitment of right person for the right kind of job profile and provides information in how to develop the job description and in looking the attributes that are required for the job. There should be a match between the attributes of the candidate and the attributes that are required for the job. The article has depicted various ways in developing the job description for hiring the right kind of person for the job which one has studied in the text books and many other sources. The top performer observation in development of job description is definitely a good technique. There are certain similarities that have been experienced in the practical applications and that are written in the text books. For a person who is new in this field of recruitment, it is good if they follow this technique so that they can avoid mistakes. Even

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Is it ever justified to kill animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Is it ever justified to kill animals - Essay Example r not but if to take into consideration the killing of animals in non-wild habitat it becomes obvious that all motives for this in the people’s world are explained by mankinds domination over the world of the living creatures. The problematic issue of this aspect is the question of appropriateness and justification of the killing animals for different goals of people. To begin with it is necessary to define the concept of animals. A well-known and scientifically proven opinion is that animals unite wild creatures as well as domestic ones. Consequently the question of interaction and life mission of humans and animals as biological kinds arises. They say people have to use products of animal origin in order to live – it is as for the domestic cattle and wild animals. As for the pets people receive such feelings as devotion, love, affection from them. From this point of view humans are perceived as consumers of animals’ positive effect on their lives in all levels from physical to moral one. Then there is a dilemma whether a mankind is a friend or an enemy of living creatures, whether people feel the responsibility for animals which were killed in order to be eaten by a human (meat and beproducts of domestic cattle, etc.) or to serve as an indicator of a luxurious life (furs, horns, heads of wild animals). There is no doubt that unfor tunately there are many other reasons for killing animals which are widely accepted and practiced in our life. Let’s see what are the pros and cons of this issue in more details. One of the main justifications often given for killing animals is that people are to maintain the viability and provide their physical needs in food and related needs in clothing (clothes from wool, fur, leather and so on). In this respect animals are perceived as creatures that are called for people’s trouble-free existence only. Then it appears that a human being is a tyrant who is guided just by physical instincts not by moral norms in his life.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Global Politics and Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Politics and Economics - Essay Example The present generation lives under the international system based on the belief in global unity; which will eventually enable the world to organize its affairs from the view point of international character. This is an important achievement of twentieth century. This, however, does not mean that political world unity already exists or that we have anything like world government either immediately or in the near future. Capitalism has been successful in nurturing technological innovation, in promoting initiative, and in creating wealth and increasing poverty. Many economists are agreed that in general capitalism can be a powerful engine for development. But, political interests and specific forms of capitalism can have different results. The monopoly capitalism of the colonial era for example was very destructive. Likewise, there is growing criticism of the current model of corporate and its version of globalization and capitalism that has resulted. There may indeed be merit to various arguments supporting global integration and cooperation. But politics, corruption, geopolitics, as well as numerous other factors need to be added to economic models, which could prove very difficult. Economics is sometimes separated from politics and other major issues, theory can indeed be far from reality. There is an important difference between liberal politics and liberal economics. But this distinction is usually not articulated in the mainstream. The thinkers of the Enlightenment, such as Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine, John Stuart Mill and Karl Marx never doubted that the future for every nation in the world was to accept some version of western institutions and values. A diversity of cultures was not a permanent condition of human life. It was a stage on the way to a universal civilization, in which the varied traditions and culture of the past were superseded by a new, universal community founded on reason. (John Gray 1-2) With the Cold War over, politicians, economists and others have been promoting unfettered free trade and free market ideology, pushing it to an even wider international arena to facilitate international trade. Since the Cold War has ended, it is almost no surprise that today's globalization has come in the form we see it - that is where it would have been had the Cold War not got "in the way". The World Wars were related to expanding trade avenues and holding on to them. Throughout the Cold War, there contained a global threat to market democracies: now we should seek to enlarge their reach. (Anthony Lake 71) The achievement of transformation is the overriding objective today of transnational organizations such as the World Trade Organisation, the International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Free trade and free markets are essentially about making trade easier by allowing the market to balance needs, supply and demand. Within a nation, it can be a positive engine for development. While

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Walmart Business Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Walmart Business Success - Essay Example The essay "Walmart Business Success" talks about the rise of Walmart in American business arena. It is the largest private company in the US and employs over 2 million people. Since its inception in 1962, the company has risen through the economic and social thickets to become the largest retail store in the world. The rise of Walmart during the post war economic climate can be attributed to the aspect of technology and innovations in the business sector. Logically, technological logistics played a substantial role in bolstering and streamlining the business activities practiced by Walmart stores. However, the integration of capitalism and some social values like ethics and religion contributed immensely to the rise of the retail store. Walmart’s management appreciated the aspects of the free enterprise, Christianity and family values in the company’s business activities. These aspects of capitalism and social responsibility could be seen in their production, supply and the employment relationship to the larger southern population of the American community. Degradation of American capitalism during the World War 2 affected the south. The post-war economic climate created resource imbalance within the state whereby the north dominated productivity while the majority of the south got disadvantaged. Walmart undertook to rejuvenate capitalism and address economic injustices experienced by the rural population. The store’s management implemented the values of Christianity, family values, and the free market. and free market in their business relationships with the society (Moreton 87). Free enterprise refers to an economic state where the forces of supply and demand influence business activities. According to Moreton, the consumer population follows the availability of the desired products in the market. In addition, the demand forces and the necessity level of those products in their lives influence their consumer behavior. In the context of Wa lmart, the stores embraced the need of employing free market policies in their production lines protected by the capitalistic state of US economy. Though capitalism was part the US economic pillars, the consequences of World War 2 affected its operation. Based on this, Walmart moved to meet the demands of the society' members residing in the rural areas including other members concerned with the issue of free enterprise. As a result, the forces of demand guided the production and supply lines of the store. Walmart strived to avail exactly what the consumers required at economically friendly prices. Walmart allocated some resources to marketing research exercises meant to provide the actual picture of the consumer demands in each market segment. Upon identification of their needs, the stores responded by availing the goods to the population. In addition to the practices of free enterprise, Walmart left the forces of supply and demand to guide their pricing activities. Consequently, t he capitalistic aligned members of the society embraced the free enterprise practices of the company (Moreton 45). The rural population liked the free market activities of the company; hence the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Answer the three discussion questions Assignment - 1

Answer the three discussion questions - Assignment Example Despite the rising level of crime, there are several impediment that block efforts to reduce crime. First, poverty is a significant force that curtails efforts to reduce crime. in some third world countries, poverty motivates citizens into engaging in crime. Second, corruption is another ill that allows criminals to roam in the open as they bribe police enforcement agencies from arresting them. Lastly, poor reforms and infrastructure are reasons that have contributed to lack of adequate measures to combat crime in many third world countries. Increased crime rates have significant political impact in third world countries. With high crime rates, governments have to build more prisons, increase sentencing structures and execute police reforms (Clear, Cole & Reisig, 2010). These efforts are critical in containing rising crime, but it also draws significant amount of taxpayers’ money. Increased crime is therefore, a force that has a severe political implication in third world countries. Virtual private networks offer organizations with security over public infrastructures that are unsecure. In a virtual private network, organizations use tunneling and security procedures to protect user data from hackers during transport. When organization uses the internet as a medium of connecting their systems, they face security risks such as eavesdropping (Whitman, & Mattord, 2012). However, a virtual private network use unsecured network to provide organizations with encryption that protects their data from hackers. An implementation of VPN, secures data transfers between remote locations. Organization networks play a significant role, but lack of security policies can lead to network breaches. In most cases, some organizations lack appropriate policies that govern how users utilize network infrastructure. As the e-Activity outlines, lack of proper regulations on the use of network infrastructure allowed the attack on the network. In the future, the use of network

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Institute Cargo Clauses Essay Example for Free

Institute Cargo Clauses Essay Yatch Insurance entails providing coverage for losses incurred on pleasure craft and also includes liability coverage. Cargo Insurance has a broader scope, which I intend to weigh into more, as far as insurance coverage is concerned. It is a contract under written on the Institute Cargo Clauses offering coverage on an A, B or C basis. Whereas on the on hand A offers a wide cover, C on the other offers a relatively circumscribed one. Institute Cargo Clause A stipulates that the insurer will, upon the incurrence of the loss insured against, cover for all the damage to the subject matter insured. It is however important to note that all damage in this particular case is used to refer only to accidental loss and not that which would eventuate from intentional acts or that are inevitable. Some of the losses that would be excluded from the coverage of this cargo clause include: The above mentioned exclusions are substituted by two other clauses: The War and Strikes Exclusion Clause and The Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause. Given the nature of structure of the Institute Cargo Clauses B and C, it is important, in the interest of an exhaustive analysis, to look into the content of C before that of B. This is attributable to the fact that to a large extent the content of clause B subsumes that of C and has additional provisions. Institute Cargo Clauses C cover damage to the insured that is attributable to: The insurance also provides coverage for damage or loss to the insured caused by jettison. This covers scenarios where, for instance, a ship caught in a tempestuous sea has to throw into the water certain cargo in the interest of keeping it afloat and protect the remaining. (Donald, OMay. Julian, H. 2003) The B clauses provide coverage for all that is available in the C clauses but stretches farther to include coverage for loss or damage to the subject matter insured that may come about as a consequence of volcanicity, lightening or earthquakes and other tectonic disturbances. It also covers loss caused by †¢ Total loss of any package lost overboard or while loading onto or unloading out of the vessel. †¢ Washing overboard. †¢ Entry of sea, lake or river water into the vessel or storage place. The clauses entailed in B provide for enormous additional coverage that include, among many others, river or sea water and accidents in loading and unloading. It is discernible, however, that there is a vaccum left as far as coverage for theft, delivery failure and shortages are concerned. The contract that would be most ideal for the ship operator in question is the Cargo Insurance, clauses C. These clauses offer a provision that distinctly caters for loss or damage incurred by the subject matter insured due to collision or destructive contact with other vessels while on voyage. The greatest concern being the damage it may cause to other ships and third party property, the ship owner would have to bear in the mind the work framework of the contract as influenced by the Hulls and Machinery( HM) and the Protection and Indemnity Clubs( PI) stipulations. (Donaldson, E. 2000), Marine insurance can be divided into two broad categories: Vessel and Cargo. The insurance of vessels is known as Hull and Machinery (HM). Cover is provided either on voyage or time basis such that under the time basis, a vessel or cargo is covered for a given duration whereas under the voyage basis, the vessel or cargo is covered for voyage between ports set out in the insurance policy. Protection and Indemnity Clubs came into existence much later as compared to the Hull and Machinery. Up until the 19th century, a marine policy covered only seventy-five percent (75%) of the insured’s liability towards the third party. In this respect typical liabilities arose a lot often from â€Å"running down† which refers to collision with another ship in transit, â€Å"allision† which refers to collision with a fixed object and wreck removal. In the 19th century ship owners came together forming mutual under writing clubs and hence the inception of the Protection and Indemnity Clubs (PI). Their strategic intent in that inception was to insure the remaining twenty-five percent (25%) that up until that moment was yet to be catered for by the insurers. The clubs work on the basis of registering ship owners as members who remit a premium which goes towards accumulating a fund with which reinsurance is subsequently purchased. With this in mind it would be a word of sound advice to the ship owner in question to register membership, if he/she is yet to, with a credible Protection and Indemnity Club so as to ensure one hundred percent (100%) coverage of liability to third parties should the hazard occur. (Donaldson, E. 2000), Membership to these clubs, whichever place in the world, is highly advisable as their coverage comes handy in aiding to offset liability that occurred without the ship owners notice. A good case in point is the case, Thatcher vs. Schell, 2005 BCSC 1121. It involved the accident between a 19’ motorboat and a 26’ sailboat operating under power at dusk on Okanagan Lake. Both vessels were destroyed and the occupants sustained injuries. The owner of the motorboat argued that the failure of the sailboat to have appropriate running lights and in its failure to turn to starboard before the collision as stipulated by the regulations. On the other hand the owner of the sailboat argued that the collision was a consequence of the motorboat’s over speeding and failure to maintain a proper view of its environs. It emerged to be undeniable that the driver of the motorboat had not seen the sailboat until immediately before the accident and failed to take the necessary steps to prevent it. All evidence having been reviewed, it was found as a fact that the lighting of the sailboat had not been proper as required and that had caused the collision. In a case such as this one where many would have easily found themselves heaping blame on the owner of the motorboat the scales of justice found the reverse to be the case. In such scenarios as in many others the coverage of Protection and Indemnity Clubs play a very significant role in the complementing of the seventy-five percent coverage provided by the Institute Cargo Clauses C. (Rose,F. 2004) The case, De Merchant Estate vs. Price, 2001 NBQB 98, [2001] N. B. J No. 328 will perhaps bring to the fore what many would think to be an impossibility. The case involved collision between a sailboat under power and a small runboat in a narrow channel. The core of the case was the question of liability and apportionment. The ruling judge found both parties at fault, a matter that posed very awkward an implication. Whereas the operator of the sailboat was faulted for not having the proper lights, failing to operate on the required side of the channel and failing to take evasive action, the owner of the runboat was at fault for operating his vessel under the influence of alcoholic liquor. In a case where either of the two parties would have hoped to leave unscathed by the rod of justice hence evade the charge of liability, both fell victim of it. In both cases mentioned above, the necessity of insurance coverage that caters for liability to third persons on sea cannot be underplayed. Losses can be of unanticipated magnitude and hence very costly to the liable party. Of equal significance is the role played by the Protection and Indemnity Clubs (PI). It is an inception that has relievingly bailed out many from the twenty-five percent cost of liability which would be, in many cases, quite laden. The ship owner in question, seeking insurance cover for liabilities it may incur for the damage that it may cause to ship and other third party property, would best be advised to opt for cargo insurance clauses C and to further it by being part of a Protection and Indemnity club. (Brown, R. H. 2004).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Welsh Olive Grove on Anglesey Essay Example for Free

Welsh Olive Grove on Anglesey Essay Nowadays the problem of climatic changes is affecting the whole world. Therefore, Anglesey decided to plant the first commercial olive grove in Wales to manage those changes. Calon Lan being the official producer of olive trees, have planted about fifty olive tress on the northern coastal line of the Wales. It is interesting to note that this olive grove is claimed to be the northerly located in the Europe. Olive trees are believed to support the mild climate of winters and to establish Mediterranean weather meaning that summers would be characterized by mini heat waves. Devon was the first official place in the United Kingdom where the olive trees were planted. Then they were planted also in Shropshire. Geraint Hughes was the first to promote the idea of olive groves in Wales. He is a director of Calon Lan being only 28 years of age and coming from common farmer’s family. Hughes argues that olive groves give an excellent opportunity to affect climatic changes and to support mild climatic conditions. Hughes decided to cooperate with an agency Menter Mon and Tom Barlow being the owner of a local vineyard. Hughes wanted to re-locate olive trees suffering from frosts in Italy and to plant them in milder climate. He wanted Calon Lan to be the first to sell live trees grown in Wales. The planters expect successful harvest and they argue that no frosts and hot summers are the best components for olive groves. The only thing olive trees require is the right conditions for growing. Nevertheless, in the beginning it will be rather difficult to ensure decent crop because the right conditions aren’t quickly provided. According to statistics, the life expectancy of an olive tree is about 500 years and olive trees are claimed to be one of the most long-living. Thin rocky soils are the best suited for growing. Hughes sums up that in about thirty years the conditions in Wales will resemble for conditions in the South of France and, therefore, the prospects for planting olive trees are encouraging. Thus, Hughes and his partners are willing to struggle with climatic changes to make olive groves the northernmost in Europe in the future. This project is strongly supported by the European Leader Programme allowing Hughes to work out innovative approaches on Anglesey and to cooperate with local companies. Hughes’ desire is to show people that lots of opportunities exist on Anglesey and there is an excellent chance to gain a reputation of innovators of new camelina oil. Planting olive trees in Anglesey gives an opportunity for local farmers to promote and advertise Wales-grown trees. Many agree that farmers should diversify their products in order to meet the climatic changes to happen in the future. Positive changes are taking place and nowadays the Welsh climate is getting warmer, though some bother that traditional crops may suffer from such conditions. However, such conditions are the best suited for planting olives and vineyards. Also Gulf Stream positively affects Anglesey preventing it from frosts. It is necessary to outline that Calon Lan is producing today hemp, avocado and camelina oils and Wales-grown olive trees are a good idea for diversification.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Economy on Low Income Communities

Impact of Economy on Low Income Communities 1. Introduction This assignment is about increasing inequality and its impact on low income communities. Measurement of the distribution of income that between individuals or households, making most of the income in a given country and those making very little. I will give out the real example and real cases refer to the Malaysia. Answer the entire assignment question. Question 1 1.1 Opinion According to the scenario income inequality increasing in US due to the various variations particularly the high impact of technology involvement in different sectors. The sudden technological development brings the big gap between high income communities and low income communities. According to the census reports income inequality is decreased during 1947 to 1968 by7 .5%. Whereas during 1969 to 1009 the trend is different so this is the big trend due to the technology growth in various sectors (Bligh, Philip, 2004) On this aspect organizations are looking high knowledge and high skill people and providing high income so the educated with high skill are achieving high income. So that the organization growth also increasing. To avoid the above situations the organization authorities as well as governments introduce schemes, policies to reduce the gap between high income community and low income community (Gentle, Michael, 2011) So the government must provide proper educational support, trainings to motivate the low income communities to reach better position. The other opinion the government also implements schemes to provide household items to satisfy the low income communities so that it will reduce the differences from high income communities (Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) 1.2 Real Causes Labor market situation is one of the cause because products producing with high technology so that organizations provided high wages opportunities. This technological change trend is due to global competition affect so there is a big variation in wage systems in Malaysia (Peel, Jeffrey, 2008) The second cause is due to the social issues impacted towards income inequality influenced low income communities. The Malaysia social issues also influence organization developments and growth so that the organization authorities emphasize on technological change to produce products according to the international standards. The income inequality along with social causes translates life styles of individuals in low income communities at Malaysia is a big impact because the low income communities not affordable the household things as per living system (Stephen, Robbins Neil Barnwell, 2006) The third cause is due to the race issue, wealth, identity and location influencing the income inequality impacts on low income communities Malaysia. The race discrimination impact is more so that there is a big gap between high income communities and low income communities at Malaysia. The income inequality with its economic variations due to gender is the major cost (David, 2009) 1.3 Real examples Figure 1 shows the Malaysia income inequality stands at 46.21%, this indicates the income inequality is an issue because of race issue. Malaysia is strong in tourism and manufacturing sectors but still due the race discrimination influencing the income inequality so it’s a big impact on low income communities (Bligh, Philip, 2004) Figure 1: Malaysia inequality Source: www.economic Planning.pdf Figure 2 sows the income inequality due to different race situations at its effects. The income inequality is also creating the social balance in Malaysia. This is also affecting the economic condition in Malaysia (Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) Figure 2: Coefficient of Malaysia Source: www.economic Planning.pdf The Malaysia income inequality towards low income community must solve because to controls the social impacts labor market issues and low income community wealth point of view so the government authorities to take action with proper budget allocate to provide education, training to low income community. So it is understands that the gap must be solve because to reduce social problems among low income communities. It also helps the low income community wealth and health of living styles and environment. Muziliza, (2012) Malaysia putrajaya must stop being in denial about wealth inequality and realise that hardship and poverty are also fuelling corruption, said the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah, he said the low earnings of a vast majority of households and noted that those struggling to make ends meet were exposed to petty corruption. Farhana R (2013)Coloured discourse on inequality in Malaysia, It was quite a clever title putting the right undertone to a heavily coloured discourse on inequality in Malaysia. Imbalances and inequality that have resulted in the past, persisted over time, or even taken different shapes and sizes, is very much felt on the ground, even if we don’t know enough to call it inequality the same way inequality is studied by academics and policy makers across the globe. Question 2 2.1 Community Organizers Importance The community organizers role is important to understand (Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) growing issues. Because the organizers must be supports to the governments to organize a schemes, programs and other method to supports the low income community groups. (Stephen, Robbins Neil Barnwell, 2006) The organizers collect the proper information from the industrial authorities to encourage the low income communities towards improving skills and knowledge so that the low income group differences will be reduced form high income groups communities. (Bligh, Philip, 2004) Community organizers also change the environment by understanding individually, group so that it brings big changes with support of government policies and regulations. So the major requirement is education as a prime development for low income group (Peel, Jeffrey, 2008) Question 3 3.1 To know about the impact of these changes? As per the scenario the community organizers identify the issue clearly develop proper plan to solve the impact on the changes. Even though the manufacturer provided proper resource to retailing the workforce but the wage impact is an issue so the agencies as well as organizational authorities must be implement to support work force in terms of cost of living by providing subsidy system.(Wilkinson, Harry, 2010) The manufacture authorities are the responsible to support workforce wage imbalance for living style so that must provide proper discount price products for workforce. In addition to that encourage the workforce to increase production by issuing incentives (Gentle, Michael, 2011) 3.2 what is being done to address? Address towards community organizers are also responsible to identify the issues as method above impacts on low income communities such as gender discrimination. The gender discrimination also brings a big wage gap between the groups. So the community organizers identify the issues to organize tops with government authorities, organization authorities to simplify the issues. Community organizer also identify the current situation in U.S on the gap to solve by proper organization authorizes implementing support systems through organizing a special trainings to improve towards technological skills so that it will helps to the low income community groups. 3.3 Who would you talk? U.S government are the major responsible to raise of income inequality, so the authorities must identify the strategy of income distribution, identify the labor mobility, identify the technology change like skills based approach identify the high income group inequalities and inequality geographically as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Inequality status globally Source:http://www. The governments are the responsible to measure the differences at various levels in income distribution and its weakness for example gender differences in inequalities is affected towards women community. So the governments are the responsible to argue with organization on minimum wage affects towards women services at different levels. 4. Conclusion In this assignment conclusion community organizer approach must understands that the income inequality impacts low income community is due to various factors such as political , economic, technological , social and ethical issues, so the community organizers request authorities are to identify the issues such as technological must support to the low income community to bring up better position in wealth. 5. References Foss, M Bryan, M (2012), International Global Services, London; Milford, CT: Kogan Page,pp12-325. Gentle, K Michael, G (2011), Globalization Behavior Principles handbook: building realistic expectations and managing Risk. London: Kogan Page, pp45-121. David, C (2009), Introduction Global Environment Boston, MA: Springer, pp9-126., (2014). What is income inequality? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2014]. Stephen P Robbins and Neil Barnwell, R (2006), Global Environment Theory, Australia: Pearson Education, pp12-276 Bligh, B Philip. U (2004), Global Environment Policies, Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, pp23-62. Muziliza, (2012) Malaysia putrajaya must stop being in denial about wealth inequality and realise that hardship and poverty are also fuelling corruption, from: Farhana R (2013). Coloured discourse on inequality in Malaysia, It was quite a clever title putting the right undertone to a heavily coloured (racial) discourse on inequality in Malaysia. From

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Downsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector Ess

Downsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector Wheels of Industry Over the past decade, more and more American organizations are downsizing and reengineering as a means of eliminating excesses in corporate staffing, bureaucracy, and expenditures. This is true today whether it’s a for-profit company or not-for-profit company. Constant change is a new way of life as companies strive to meet customers needs and the ability to successfully innovate, time after time to achieve competitive advantages. Moreover, American companies are facing a fierce global environment and are downsizing to achieve cost-lowering efficiencies to render their firm more fit to combat tenacious global competitors. American organizations are also downsizing in an effort to cope with fundamental and structural changes in economies and markets.1 Because downsizing and reengineering is excessively used in today’s organizations, we must not mistakenly confuse the two terms, and since American organizations are faced with the problem of massive overhauling, we must understand the meaning and the purpose of both. We must also consider the fundamental approaches organizations use in implementing downsizing. In addition, we must look at the cost benefits to the organizations, as well as the competitive advantages are that achieved. Moreover, while little emphasis of the employee is considered in terms of workforce reduction, there is a need to look at the adverse affects on the employee and the personnel problems that organizations incur due to the aftermath of downsizing. Downsizing is associated and often confused with numerous terms. The term "downsizing" was coined to define the scaling down of the car by sizes by automobile manu... ...ture. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (Pg. 55-67). 6Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The New Effective Public Manager. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco, 1995 (197-199) 7Tomasko, Robert M. Downsizing: Reshaping the Corporation for the Future. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (Pg. 88-89). 8Tomasko, Robert M. Downsizing: Reshaping the Corporation for the Future. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (Pg. 40). 9Tomasko, Robert M. Downsizing: Reshaping the Corporation for the Future. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (238-245). 10Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The New Effective Public Manager. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco, 1995 (Pg. 103-109). 11Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The New Effective Public Manager. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco, 1995 (Pg. 109-111). Downsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector Ess Downsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector Wheels of Industry Over the past decade, more and more American organizations are downsizing and reengineering as a means of eliminating excesses in corporate staffing, bureaucracy, and expenditures. This is true today whether it’s a for-profit company or not-for-profit company. Constant change is a new way of life as companies strive to meet customers needs and the ability to successfully innovate, time after time to achieve competitive advantages. Moreover, American companies are facing a fierce global environment and are downsizing to achieve cost-lowering efficiencies to render their firm more fit to combat tenacious global competitors. American organizations are also downsizing in an effort to cope with fundamental and structural changes in economies and markets.1 Because downsizing and reengineering is excessively used in today’s organizations, we must not mistakenly confuse the two terms, and since American organizations are faced with the problem of massive overhauling, we must understand the meaning and the purpose of both. We must also consider the fundamental approaches organizations use in implementing downsizing. In addition, we must look at the cost benefits to the organizations, as well as the competitive advantages are that achieved. Moreover, while little emphasis of the employee is considered in terms of workforce reduction, there is a need to look at the adverse affects on the employee and the personnel problems that organizations incur due to the aftermath of downsizing. Downsizing is associated and often confused with numerous terms. The term "downsizing" was coined to define the scaling down of the car by sizes by automobile manu... ...ture. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (Pg. 55-67). 6Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The New Effective Public Manager. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco, 1995 (197-199) 7Tomasko, Robert M. Downsizing: Reshaping the Corporation for the Future. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (Pg. 88-89). 8Tomasko, Robert M. Downsizing: Reshaping the Corporation for the Future. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (Pg. 40). 9Tomasko, Robert M. Downsizing: Reshaping the Corporation for the Future. AMACOM American Management Association, 1987 (238-245). 10Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The New Effective Public Manager. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco, 1995 (Pg. 103-109). 11Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The New Effective Public Manager. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco, 1995 (Pg. 109-111).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Future of Television and Technology :: Film Television Technology

With the development of digital technologies the future of television lies with Satellite or Cable Broadcasting. The era of Terrestrial Broadcasting is now over. In my life, I have only witnessed first hand, the effects of media and its development since about 1995, as this is the earliest I can remember. However, my huge interest in the subject has lead me to broaden my knowledge over the way media had developed in the 1980's and even earlier. I believe that what I have witnesses is in fact the most important time period in the media development timeline so far.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Noy: A glimpse of our society’s status Essay

The movie ‘Noy’, directed by Dondon Santos and starred by Coco Martin, allowed us to take a look into the lives and different problems of an ordinary Filipino. This brought us the chance to have a closer look to the issues of this country concerning drugs, poverty, education, crimes, family and many others. ‘Noy’ showed us how one’s decisions and actions can affect the lives and beliefs of many people. This reaction paper is not about how good the movie was, in terms of how well it has been directed or portrayed by the actors, not in a perspective of a movie critique but in a view of an ordinary student and a concerned citizen. This would be about the social issues and problems that has been sited in the film and are very relevant nowadays. In the movie, Noy is living in an uncomfortable and struggling life with his manicurist mother, crippled brother and a smart sister. Their family lived in a house floating on flood water. He faked some of his documents, his diploma and demo reel, and posed to be a journalist to the hope that their status in life would change. He started working on a documentary about Senator Noynoy Aquino which was way back then, running for presidency. Later on, his brother has been involved to drugs and his sister got blind. After that, everything got messy and he eventually got killed by the drug pushers/addicts. As what has shown in the movie, education, poverty, crimes and drugs, these four things are interrelated with each other. Why? Most Filipinos was not able to go to school, not because they chose or wanted to, but because they cannot afford; because of poverty. As a result of this, they are opt to fool other people, to do crimes, to be involved in drugs. This scenario has been a cycle in our society and has always been the main problems. Upon knowing those things, what can we do? How can we lessen these scenarios? That’s what we need to figure out.Yes, these problems are not simple. It’s a nation’s problem, but if each of us will take an action to at least resolve  these, it may help a lot. There’s a large number of jobless Filipinos especially in poor, rural areas. We can put up community projects in which they can be involved ,like for example establishing nurseries, making recycled crafts (to help in segregating waste that is considered to be one of the factors for flooding), weaving and others. With this projects, they can earn and at least be helpful in their daily expenses. These can also be beneficial to take them away from doing crimes and drugs as well. We can be or have volunteer teachers for out-of-school children. We may not be able to send them to school, but at least we can teach them the basics, how to count, read and write. We can lend them books for them to practice and study. We can communicate with LGUs and the local government to help in giving those children other resources or even scholarships for them to have a formal education. Though, we should not always be dependent in the government, as what has also shown in the movie. We can make a change. We can help other people if we want to, even a little unselfish act will do as long as we will do it wholeheartedly. We all have the shared responsibility in serving this nation. Let us all be involved in empowering every Filipino in any way we can do. Ignorance is a plague in our society. We should set our eyes open to the reality that this world keeps on hiding from us. Stop being ignorant , instead be vigilant.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Politics of Democratic States Essay

Speaking more fully about the threat of terrorism and the need for intelligence to fight it, the reliance on terrorism has been very widespread when speaking of the fight against global terror. Initially, the answer to fighting terrorism was thought to be laws against terrorist activities in an effort to try to prevent terrorist acts; however, this was shown to be ineffective, evidenced by many events worldwide. Eventually, the valid conclusion was reached that solid intelligence was much more effective to prevent organized terror efforts where laws to discourage them have failed (Evening Standard-London). In yet another case, we see how intelligence has become something upon which governments large and small rely for their very survival. Indeed, no nation can survive without economic, as well as domestic security, which has caused a reliance on intelligence for economic security also. Intelligence in the Service of Economic Security In ancient times, the tribes with the most gold controlled territories because of their ability to purchase what was needed pay soldiers to fight, and so forth. In modern life, economic security is a key concern as well for every nation. Without the ability to maintain an effective military, provide for the wellbeing of the citizens, and keep the population feeling confident about the nation, indeed nothing can take place. Therefore, economic security must stay at the highest possible level, which once again is made possible through effective intelligence operations (Foucauld). Indeed, the correct intelligence is essential to the economic security of a nation because if good intelligence indicates that there are financial allocations required for a given course of defense, and massive financial resources are dedicated to that effort, it can well be a highly wise investment in the longevity of the nation. On the other hand, however, if bad intelligence leans toward a massive financial obligation which was not needed, and the obligation is made at the sacrifice of other needed alternatives, the consequences could be devastating. In this scenario, the relationship between intelligence and financial security is clear; intelligence is essential for smart budgetary decisions, but the intelligence must likewise be of sufficient accuracy to warrant valid strategic moves. In the previous section of this paper, the discussion of oil came about in terms of its strategic importance in the world; in this section that deals with finance, the oil issue bears repeating. Oil is a key economic driver worldwide, and therefore, nations rely on intelligence about the global oil supply to plan for their future initiatives. Oil, in the modern economy, is much like gold was to the early tribal leaders. The nations that have the majority of the oil supply indeed hold the key to the financial progress of the globe in their hands. Without a free flow of oil in the world, the economy is bound to stall, and chaos will ensue. Reports indicate that the nations that hold the major world supplies of oil guard the amount of available oil as a deeply guarded state secret, so as not to tip their advantage to other nations; therefore, clandestine intelligence is so very important to try to learn this information. Again, bad intelligence in this area, or none at all, could be deadly. The reliance on intelligence continues in this area as well. Conclusion This paper has utilized relevant literature and educated conclusions based upon that literature to explore government intelligence in greater depth in an effort to understand why governments rely on it. If nothing else has been proved in this paper, it cannot be denied that given the complex world in which modern governments operate, an intelligence network of some sort must be in place for all nations to protect their own interests as well as to monitor the activities of rival nations and their international neighbors. Perhaps, as well, an answer to the conflicts of the world lies in the use of intelligence, for if a nation is able to prove and understand that their neighbors are not as threatening as they appear, and that they are gathering intelligence to confirm the same about other nations, maybe everyone can relax a bit and have a more amiable international relationship, which in the long run, could help the world to be safer and more prosperous. Works Cited Bar-Joseph, Uri. Intelligence Intervention in the Politics of Democratic States: The United States, Israel, and Britain. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. DeSouza, Patrick J. , ed. Economic Strategy and National Security: A Next Generation Approach. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000. Foucauld, Jean-Baptiste De. â€Å"Post-Industrial Society and Economic Security. † International Labour Review 135. 6 (1996): 675+. â€Å"The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence. † Contemporary Review Nov. 2001: 320.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

Who in To Kill a Mockingbird is a good father, a good lawyer and a good citizen? Atticus is a great father in many ways. One example would be his style of discipline, meaning that he tries to lead Scout and Jem through a discussion to see what it is that they have done wrong and why it is wrong. As a lawyer, during the case of Tom Robinson, Atticus does all that he could to prove Tom’s innocence’s. Lastly, as a good citizen, Atticus is known to be very respectful, like when he helps Ms.Dubose with her addiction. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch’s influence on his daughter Scout is made clear through the importance he places on education, the admirable ways he practices law, and through his effective interactions with Maycomb residents. Atticus Finch’s influence on his daughter Scout is made clear through the importance he places on education. After Scouts first day of school, she complained to Atticus of how the teac her argued that the both of them should no longer read together, so then she no longer would need to go to school. Atticus decided to change Scouts thinking by encouraging her and saying â€Å"If you’ll concede the necessity of going to school, we’ll go on reading every night just as we always have.† Atticus perspective of this was to prove to Scout that no one should interfere of what you want to do or have been doing, as long as you feel it is right. During the course of the case proceedings of Tom Robinson, it was a difficult time period for the Finches but Atticus warned Scout that if even if she hears anything about it in school, she should do him a favor and â€Å"You just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don’t you let ’em get your goat? An educational view on this would be that as Scout being a student she must be determined in order to achieve her goals. While at the trial , during Atticus closing argument he pointed out that â€Å"The most ridiculous example I can think of is that the people who run pu blic education promote the stupid and idle along with the industrious- because all men are created equal, educators will gravely tell you, the children left behind suffer terrible feelings of inferiority.†. Atticus view of this would be that ‘men are created equal’ and so just as the stupid are treated the same as the smart students, the blacks should be treated the same way as the white citizens, and so in conclusion it results that Atticus puts great value on education. Atticus Finch’s influence on his daughter Scout is made clear through the admirable ways he practices law. Author, Harper Lee included a saying on â€Å"There’s something in our world that makes men lose their heads- they couldn’t be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s word, the white always wins. They’re ugly, but these are the facts of life†. This speech that Atticus said was to show Scout how much racism goes on in the town of Maycomb. In this case it was to prove that any conflict that may happen between a black man and a white man, the white man would always win so no matter what there would alway s be a racist person. According to Atticus, â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.† When Scout had complained about her first day at school and how Miss Caroline treated her, Atticus advised Scout to get to know her and let her learn more about the Maycomb ways before she makes judgments on her. Atticus was currently teaching Scout empathy, this is a quite a difficult task because people live their lives through their own understanding and only become open-minded when they see something from another person’s view. This quote is compared to Atticus during the court trial with Tom Robinson, he knew that his client was a black man but he did not judge his client based on his color and agreed to defend him. This puts an influence to Scout that you should judge anyone under any circumstance.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Human Resource at Mcdonald’s Essay

I. Introduction In today’s intensely competitive and global marketplace, having a highly committed or competent workforce is one of the most critical factors in maintaining a competitive advantage (Millmore et al., 2007). Therefore, in a growing number of organizations, strategic human resources management (SHRM) is now viewed as a source of competitive advantage. Strategic human resource management is designed to help companies meet the needs of their employees while promoting company goals. As an important aspect of strategic human resource management is employee development, organisations have to consider employees may want or need and what the company can reasonably supply (Baker, 2009a; Tarique and Schuler, 2010). This research paper tries to discuss how organisations achieve this mission. We will discuss about two very important aspects of SHRM, strategic international HRM (SIHRM) and employment relationship. Although these two fields will be analysed separately, we can see the link bet ween them when we apply them to the case McDonalds’ (Goldsmith et al., 2009). In each section, we will discuss about the theories and models relating to each of those aspects and how these theories showed up in McDonalds’. II. McDonalds’ and Strategic International HRM II.1. Literature review of SIHRM and its frameworks The main trend of recent studies on changes in the business environment is the growth of internalisation, for example Ferenbach and Pinney (2012); Hitt et al. (2012); and Zain and Kassim (2012). As businesses become more and more global, SIHRM plays an important role in the development and success of multi-national corporations (MNCs) (Festing et al., 2012; Smale et al., 2012; and Stahl et al., 2012). According to Briscoe (2012) international human resource management (IHRM) can be defined as set of managerial tools for managing organizational human resources at international level to achieve organizational objectives and competitive advantage over competitors, both domestic and international. IHRM, therefore, includes typical HRM functions such as recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal and rewards and punishment done at international level and additional activities such as global management skills, expatriate management and so on (Millmore et al., 20 07). Milliman et al. (1991) developed a SIHRM framework based theory of â€Å"fit and flexibility†. The concept of â€Å"IHRM fit† included external and internal side. External IHRM fit indicated the MNCs’ capability to deal with the cross-national environment, which includes the social, legal, political and cultural factors of diversified foreign countries where they operate. On the other hand, internal IHRM fit stressed on the management ability to ensure appropriate control and co-ordination between corporate and foreign subsidiaries. In addition to â€Å"fit† concept, â€Å"flexible† was also important as it specified the organisational capability to smoothly implement changes and adapt to diverse circumstances. Zheng (2013) commented on the framework that in today’s open global environment in which information and knowledge is transferred freely and quickly, an integration of fit between internal HRM and external functions is required and sho uld not be treated as two separate functions. The SIHRM framework of Schuler et al. (1993) seems to implement this point (Figure 1). The framework constituted of two major elements: inter-unit linkages and internal operations. Inter-unit linkages showed the MNC’s ability to differentiate its operating units thorough the world while, at the same time, keep them well coordinated and controlled. Internal operations indicated the fit between each unit’s confines of its local environment, laws, politics, culture, economy and society and its own strategic objectives given by the corporation. Schuler et al. (1993) framework’s limitation is to ignore the role of human-beings (managers and staff) which is widely considered as a very important constituent of SIHRM (for example Briscoe et al., 2012; Shi and Handfield, 2012; and Sanchez-Arias et al., 2013). The SIHRM framework of Taylor et al. (1996) stressed on how smoothly top managers can transfer the parent company’s SIHRM orientation to affiliate’s HR M system, then to impart organisational values and top managers’ belief to specific employees within the affiliate (Figure 2). Although Taylor’s model (1996) can complement the limitation of Schuler’s framework (1993), we still need a more detailed and practical model to apply in the real business world. This is the point at which the framework for global talent management of Tarique and Schuler (2010) comes in handy. In the next section, we will discuss about the framework in details and in the case of Mc Donalds’ (Figure 3). II.2. The framework for global talent management and the case of McDonald’s a.Global Talent Challenges for McDonalds’ The major driver of global talent challenges for McDonalds’ is the globalisation. Although globalisation enables firms to employ workers in the developing economies of the world at much lower wages than is possible in the developed economies of the world (Wise and Covarrubias, 2012), it also leads to increasing competition in fast food industry (Asif et al., 2011; Gupta, 2012; and Royle, 2012). In such circumstance, global competitive advantage is only for those multinational firms that succeed in locating and relocating its workforce over the world, adapting to local differences, learn continuously, and transfer knowledge more effectively than their competitors do (Molinsky, 2013; Steers et al., 2013). Therefore, human recourse becomes more and more important in maintaining competitive advantage at MNCs. In addition, as McDonalds’, like other MNCs, expand its business into many other countries, its consumers continue to have very different buying patterns from region to region. The organisation therefore must have a talent management strategy in place that continually assesses whether employees have the ability to address the particular needs of a diverse customer base (Podsiadlowskia et al., 2013). In 2011, Manpower Group conducted research among nearly 25,000 companies across 39 different countries and territories, which shed light on that 32% of American companies were looking for foreign workers, higher than any other area (that number of the whole world was 24%). This raises the demand for workers with competencies and motivation considerably high, especially for American companies. While the demand was getting higher, the foreign labour supply for MNCs was not so abundant. The research of Manpower (2011) showed that 74% of American employers (among 5,820 surveyed companies) found it difficult in recruiting foreign labours. In addition, Pearson (2012) believed that high employee turnover is a threat for today’s businesses. These issues made the labor market more competitive for employers, especially operates in an industry whose the rate of employee turnover is as high as fast food industry (Harris, 2012). For McDonald’s and other fast food restaurant, there is another specific obstacle. According to Sharma and Kiran (2012), employees nowadays do not only look for organisations offering high wage but also those â€Å"whose philosophies and operating practices match with their own principles†. This might create an issue for McDonalds’ to compete in recruiting best talents as fast food restaurants usually have bad reputation of causing ethical healthy issues such as obesity (Fraser et al., 2012; Jeffery and Utter, 2012). Tarique and Schuler (2010) summarised global talent challenges as too little needed talent and too much unneeded talent, or rather â€Å"the needed talent is available in the wrong place†. b.McDonalds’ Human Resource Actions to Address Global Talent Challenges Talent management initiatives can only be effectively successful when linked to the strategies of the organization. Since 2005, McDonald’s global workforce strategy has been designed to be aligned with and support the execution of its business objective, which is â€Å"to become everyone’s favorite place and way to eat† (Harkins et al., 2005). Interestingly, the global talent management practice initiated by McDonalds’ nearly ten years ago was very similar to the Tarique and and Schuler’s framework (2010). Prior to 2001, McDonald’s developed its performance assessment system comprised of six â€Å"performance drivers† (Figure 4) on which managers and staffs’ annual performance will be measured not just on the â€Å"what† of their accomplishments but also on â€Å"how† they accomplished it (Goldsmith et al., 2009). However, when it was rolled out globally in 2003, it was clear that certain elements of the new system re-design were not suited for the foreign cultures and legal structures that existed in certain countries. As a result, all of its affiliate and franchising stores were given flexible to make certain changes to adapt local requirements. This manager’s initiative reflected the â€Å"fit and flexible† concept of Milliman et al. (1991) as discussed in the last section. In 2003, McDonalds’ introduced its Global Talent Review Process of which main purpose is to train and develop next generation of leaders and managers and in 2006, the organisation added a more in-depth analysis of who needs development moves to enhance their experience and a process that facilitates this movement (Goldsmith et al., 2009). The initiative allowed potential leaders of next generation to move more freely to various organizational departments in order to realise development job opportunities with support of their peers and develop their own talents (Brown and Lent, 2012). With the intention of attracting and retaining high-performing talents, The McDonald’s Leadership Institute and the Global Leadership Development Program were introduced in 2006 (McDonald’s, 2013). The Institute was a virtual community that provides a culture of learning and development and to which anyone from any geographic location can accessed. The Global Leadership Development Program focused on preparing participants for broader leadership responsibilities and building a strong peer network that will support these individuals in developing their leadership path. The qualitative impacts of these initiatives were managers and staffs became much more aware of the strengths and talent gaps in each area, so they can recognise their own development needs and develop their talents more effectively. In addition, as the number of cross-organizational movement increased, organisation had better selections for all tasks. Schuler et al. (2010) pointed out several barriers of talent management to which McDonalds’ and other MNCs should pay attention. First, managers at all levels rather spend time on their own pressing tasks than on talent management programs. Second, organizational structures might inhibit collaboration and the sharing of knowledge across boundaries. Finally, HR departments might be short of â€Å"the respect of other executives whose cooperation is needed to implement appropriate HR actions† and might not be able to deal with the global talent challenges. III. McDonalds’ and Employment Relationship III.1. Literature review of employment relationship and new ERM model In last section, we discussed how important talent management is for McDonalds’ to maintain its competitive advantage in today’s widely open business. Although McDonald’s already has a quite complete talent management program, the organisation should be noticed that its workforce strategy could not be successful without great employment relationship. Gospel and Palmer (1993:3) define employment relationship as â€Å"an economic, social and political relationship in which employees provide manual and mental labour in exchange for rewards allotted by employers.† Rose (2004) clarified that rewards can be not only economic but also social and psychological. Millmore et al. (2007) believed that psychological reward is an indispensable part in employment relationship. They went on to define two key strategic concepts that were labour – management partnership and psychological contract. According to Millmore et al. (2007), key values of a successful labour – management partnership included share of goals, culture, knowledge, effort and information. Armstrong (1996) discussed that the labour – management partnership initiated when employees provide skill and effort to employers and the employers provide the employee with a salary in return. However, the employment relationship can also be expressed in terms of a psychological contract defined by Rousseau (1994, cited by Millmore, 2007:448) as â€Å"the understanding people have regarding the commitments made between themselves and their organisations†. Noe (1999, p. 290) states, â€Å"a psychological contract is the expectation that employers and employees have about each other†. According to CIPD (2006), psychological contract breach occurs when employees believe that the organization has failed to deliver its promises or obligations. There were many research works about psychological contract and its importance in employment relationship, for example Robinson and Morrison (2000); Coyle-Shapiro and Kessler (2000); Guest and Conway (2002); Turnley et al. (2003); Conway and Briner (2005). These works however did not point out a model that is practical and easy to apply and measure in the workplace. In addition, because of globalisation and today’s fast changing business environment, the needs of organizations and workers’ expectations changed significantly (Burke and Ng, 2006). Therefore, the traditional psychological contract might not work as well as it had been. Besides, most of the research in the past has emphasised the employee, while it should be on both employees and employers’ perspectives (Baker, 2009a). Baker (2009a) believed that there is a need to develop a new concept of employment relationship that enables corporations to attract good staff and retaining talented employees in toda y’s business environment of volatility, uncertainty, and global competition. In such a business environment the traditional perspective on employment relationship such as that of Gospel and Palmer (1993) might not work. According to Baker (2009a), the new employment relationship model must base on the workers’ needs with organisational outcomes. He then provided core attributes of the model including flexible environment, customer-focus, focus on performance, project-based work, human spirit and work, loyalty, learning and development and open information. In next section, we will discuss about these core attributes with the illustration of McDonalds’. III.2. McDonald’s and the application of new employment relationship model The first aspect of the relationship is flexible employment which defined by Baker (2009a) as organisation policy to encourage workers to work for other units or departments. In 2006, McDonalds’ conducted an in-depth analysis of which staffs could be potential leaders and managers, what skills and experience they needs, to which units they should be moved to get these skills and knowledge, and how to facilitate the movement (Goldsmith et al., 2009). The implementation of flexible employment strategies can create opportunities for workers to develop their career beyond the confines of their specific specialization. Kappia et al. (2007) proved these career development opportunities could be more motivating than monetary rewards. The concept of customer-focus, which becomes more and more important in business techniques (Bharadwaj et al., 2012; Idris, 2012; Kanti, 2012), is the second attributes of new employment relationship model (ERM). The concept of customer-focus places empl oyees in the â€Å"unique position of answering to two bosses†, the organisation and the customer (Baker, 2002). Baker (2009b) believed that a successful customer-focused strategy depend on managers and workers’ good communication with external sources such as local communities and culture. Related to the case of McDonald’s, its customer-focused â€Å"Plan to Win† relies on local talent to develop a deep connection between McDonald’s and the local communities in which it operates (Goldsmith et al., 2009). According to Baker (2009a), the concept of focus-on-performance suggests that customers should focus on the achievements of their job and the way they achieve them instead of job specifications. Organisations, on the other side, should link rewards and benefits with performance rather than organisational policies and rules. Moreover, new ERM suggests that an effective â€Å"multidimensional performance system† promotes workers to contribute beyond their regular task while organisations can utilise and reward workers for these non-job contributions (Baker, 2009b). Since 2001, McDonald’s redesign its performance measurement system with six â€Å"performance drivers† for which employees ‘be measured not just on the â€Å"what† of their accomplishments but also on â€Å"how† they accomplished it’ (Goldsmith et al., 2009). The system also enable top managers to signal the importance of needed culture change in which employees are encouraged to be more innovative and contribute more than merely doing their regular tasks. The fourth aspect of new ERM is project-based work. As business environment is increasingly uncertain and unstable, project-based work gains more interest from both corporations and employees (Watson, 2012). This initiative includes several forms such as temporary and fixed term contracts, outsourcing, flexible time, part-time working, overtime, job rotation, or functional mobility, which provides job flexibility (Peirà ³ et al., 2002) The project-based work is also widely applied in McDonalds’ as the senior managers often depend on peers’ assessment in providing employees development job opportunities (Goldsmith et al., 2009). With the increase in market competition and dynamic work environment, many employees are suffering from work overload that could seriously affect the organisational performance (Altaf and Awan, 2011) and many researchers believes that workplace spirituality is one way to deal with this problem (Karakas, 2010). Baker (2009a) also mentioned human spirit and work as a function of new ERM. The effectiveness of the workplace spirituality on work performace, however, is still criticised by several researches and hypothesis tests, for example Bell et al. (2012) and Weitz (2012). There is also no evidence that this concept has ever been applied at McDonalds’. Another aspect of new ERM doubted to be effective and not applied at McDonalds’ is open information. Loyalty and commitment, on the other hand, has no doubt to be a so important attribute of new ERM. According to Baker (2009b), these aspects should come from both sides. Employees’ loyalty is to enhance organisational outcome rather than processes, while organisational commitment is to improve employees’ personal objectives and development. McDonald’s has paid significant attention to its employees for years. McDonald’s has its Commitment Survey to assesses employee satisfaction with the support and recognition they receive, the extent to which their skills are utilized and developed, the degree of their empowerment, working condition and their compensation (Goldsmith et al., 2009). A manager’s scores on the Commitment Survey are one of many important factors considered in assess employees’ effectiveness and potential for advancement. Much related to this aspect is learning and development. As discussed in last section, McDonalds’ initiated its The Leadership at McDonald’s Program, which aimed at identifying developing high potential talent, in 2004 (Goldsmith et al., 2009). Having been accessed as qualified candidates of the program, employees will be granted for many individual learning opportunities. First, each participant will have a coach to discuss progress against objectives and receive objective feedback and developmental coaching throughout the program. They also have opportunities to work closely with McDonald’s high potential peers throughout the program and with talented management peers from other companies/industries as part of the Thunderbird Program in order to build strong internal and external peer networks ( Goldsmith et al., 2009). The application of these attributes brought McDonalds’ several positive signs. As of mid-2006, 34% of the 104 graduates of the LAMP Program have been promoted while only 4% of the them have left the company for other opportunities. It is a key objective of the program for its participants to know they are highly regarded and that the company will continue to invest in their ongoing development. The program also made itself a strong brand identity and equity within the organization and more and more employees want to join the program (Goldsmith et al., 2009). IV. Conclusion As SHRM becomes more and more important for organisations, it is critical for managers to understand not only its related theories and concepts but also discover and invent the most practical models for which they can apply to their organisation. As businesses become more and more global SIHRM and the model of global talent management of Tarique and Schuler (2010) plays an important role in the development and success of MNCs. Even when organisations already have a quite complete talent management program, they should notice that its workforce strategy could not be successful without good employment relationship. Baker (2009a) believed that there is a need to develop a new concept of employment relationship in today’s business environment of volatility, uncertainty, and global competition and he introduced the new ERM. The case of McDonalds’ (Goldsmith et al., 2009) has shed the light on how practically successful these models could be when appropriately and effectively applying in an organisation. This is, however, just the beginning of these relatively young models and the question of whether these models can create sustainable competitive advantage will need more academic and practical researches in the future.

Business Law Essay Example for Free (#13)

Business Law Essay Contract (329) , Business law (49) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints An agreement must contain four essential ingredients to be regarded as a contract. These four elements are offer, acceptance, Intention of legal consequences, and consideration. If any one of them is missing, the agreement will not be legally binding. An offer is defined as the manifestation of the â€Å"willingness to enter into a bargain so made as to justify another person in understanding that his assent to the bargain is invited and will conclude it. † There must be a definite, clearly stated offer to do something. An offer does not include ball park estimates, requests for proposals, expressions of interest, or letters of intent. An offer will lapse when the time for acceptance expires, if the offer is withdrawn before it is accepted, or after a reasonable time in the circumstances (generally the greater the value of the contract, the longer the life of the offer). Only what is offered can be accepted. This means that the offer must be accepted exactly as offered without conditions. If any new terms are suggested this is regarded as a counter offer which can be accepted or rejected. There can be many offers and counter offers before there is an agreement. It is not important who makes the final offer, it is the acceptance of that offer that brings the negotiations to an end by establishing the terms and conditions of the contract. Acceptance can be given verbally, in writing, or inferred by action which clearly indicates acceptance (performance of the contract). In any case, the acceptance must conform to the method prescribed by the offerer for it to be effective. A contract requires that the parties intend to enter into a legally binding agreement. That is, the parties entering into the contract must intend to create legal relations and must understand that the agreement can be enforced by law. The intention to create legal relations is presumed, so the contract doesn’t have to expressly state that you understand and intend legal consequences to follow. If the parties to a contract decide not to be legally bound, this must be clearly stated in the contract for it not to be legally enforceable. In order for a contract to be binding it must be supported by valuable consideration. Consideration consists of either a benefit to the promisor or a detriment to the promisee. That is to say, one party promises to do something in return for a promise from the other party to provide a benefit of value (the consideration). Consideration is what each party gives to the other as the agreed price for the other’s promises. Usually the consideration is the payment of money but it need not be; it can be anything of value including the promise not to do something, or to refrain from exercising some right. The payment doesn’t need to be a fair payment. The courts will not intervene where one party has made a hard bargain unless fraud, duress or unconscionable conduct is involved. When there is a breach of contract, an unexcused failure to perform, the other party is usually given damages, rather than specific performance. The rules of damages vary, but are usually intended to make the injured party whole. A party who was supposed to be paid something for that party’s performance gets the amount of the payment due, if the performance has been rendered. A party who was supposed to get something of value sometimes gets the difference between the price agreed and the market price. Or, if the party has already paid the paying party sometimes gets the money back. Business Law. (2016, Dec 28). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 13, 2019

Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care Assignment

Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care - Assignment Example ng leader, it is the view of this student that the framework for making legal and ethical decisions should entertain both key determinants of the law as well as the underlying and pervasive considerations for the patient (Jenkins, 2012). Though this may seem as an obvious approach, it is somewhat different from the way in which ethics are employed within other institutions outside of healthcare. By employing such a dual approach, it is incumbent upon the healthcare professional to analyze each and every situation from the perspective of legality as well as the end utility that it provides to the patient (Sorrel, 2008). Finally, with regards to the actions that this particular author will plan to take in order to solve moral distress caused by ethical dilemmas, this has been adequately and briefly enumerated upon in the preceding analysis. By seeking provide a feedback loop of sorts in order to manage and determine the level of utility that each and every decision will have to the shareholders in question, the healthcare provider can seek to implement such an approach to maximizing ethics and healthcare provision (Dauwerse et al, 2011). Dauwerse, L., Abma, T., Molewijk, B., & Widdershoven, G. (2011). Need for ethics support in healthcare institutions: views of Dutch board members and ethics support staff. Journal Of Medical Ethics, 37(8),

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Stereotypes in Gertrude Stein's Three Lives Essay

Stereotypes in Gertrude Stein's Three Lives - Essay Example Hejinian’s says that Stein’s â€Å"dependency on names (nouns) tends to obscure experience by replacing what we experience with a reestablished concept.† This concept has been seen through Stein’s repetition throughout the novel. It is through the repetition of these norms, prejudices, and racism that Stein brings forth the absurdity of what the lower class and women are expected to be. The columniation of all these women in death shows that they all lead a life of suffering and pain despite being good, and that maybe norms should be reconsidered. In Melanctha we see how Dr. Campbell continues to have the same conversation with Melanctha over and over and through his repetition we see a dependency on adjectives and how they are subjective. Dr. Campbell continually uses the term â€Å"excited† to show how he expects colored people to act. He doesn’t feel that colored people should be acting all excited. His expectation of how colored people an d the lower class should behave is seen when he says, â€Å"I certainly do like everything to be good and quiet, and I certainly do think that it is the best way for us colored people.† This stereotype can be generalized to how all the lower class and middle class should act. ... For example, Dr, Campbell originally thinks that Melanctha is not good but thinks that Rose is good even though she is an alcoholic. He relates being good with not being excited but Rose gets excited from drinking. Therefore, he doesn’t really understand these norms that he is trying to follow, and the repetition of this word â€Å"excited† that he is not really sure about coincides with the fact that the reader should question norms because they don’t make sense and people often contradict themselves just as Dr. Campbell does. Other than the use of repetition, another way that the novel challenges stereotypes is by representing them in a realist perspective. It’s not trying to paint an idealistic picture of how life is at the time. Rather it is painting a very real picture of everyday life for three women. This picture is of their mundane everyday life. A major stereotype during the times of this novel (and even now) is that women should be responsible fo r taking care of the home and stay in shape. In the story of The Good Anna we see this stereotype is represented and talked about in a very realist way. The stereotype is strengthened by the good Anna believing that this is how it must be done, â€Å"A girl was a girl and should act always like a girl, both as to give all respect and as to what she had to eat.† There is a repetition throughout this story of the â€Å"right way for a girl to do.† Here the author plays on our preconceived idea about what is right for a girl and makes us question this stereotype not by idealizing it or playing it down, but by showing it to us in the light of what is really is. One can see that Stein, in her novellas, reproduces the typical feminine roles which are assigned to them by the